Monday, December 8, 2014

Busy week

This week was a busy week for me. Although I did some research during class, I didn't have much time to do outside research about the topic due to work and studying for finals.

With the class time that I used, I found out that the Victoria secret fashion show is going to be on in the next couple days. People watch it and some who watch it feel like they should look like the models, who are extremely thin and unhealthy.
Does the fashion industry promote mental illnesses ? Some believe so, and i agree with them.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Sense Of Direction

I was looking into different ways to approach the topic I would like to cover. I've decided that I'm going to do something dealing with the mental illness, specifically eating disorders and how it affects people and things that promote and or influence it. I am aware that this is a harder topic and it requires a lot of work but I want to do something with it. I want to go into the psychology field and specialize in mental illness, so this could be beneficial. 

I have a source that is willing to help me, but wants to stay anonymous, and said that they could give insight to what it's like to struggle from an eating disorder and have self image issues. I would like to not base my project off of them, but use them along with information I gather online.
I spent this past week researching the different types of eating disorders and things that either promote it and or demote it. The media actually plays a part in eating disorders, showing stick thin actors and actresses on tv or in magazines, creates a thought process of thin is beautiful and if it's any other way, then you aren't acceptable. 
Nobody should think that.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


This past week, I spent looking up different things. I'm still not entirely set on what I would like to do for my 20% project. I've thought about doing something related to dancing, like taking dance lessons and then performing it upfront of a crowd amongst other people doing other things, along with the eating habits they have.  I've also thought about cutting fast food's food out of my diet but considering I work in a fast food place, it makes that ten times more difficult. So, I was leaning towards making better food choices and health related things, like healthy foods and try to present them differently so all types of people would enjoy to eat it. It would benefit not only myself but everyone who are picky eaters based on appearance. My plan is to make a book demonstrating like a cookbook. 
But, I am still uncertain on what I would like to do.